Sign Up Now
You must be at least 18 years old and possess a valid credit card from a participating financial institution to be eligible for the Automatic Add Value Service (AAVS). Customer may apply for AAVS to be linked to an Octopus belonging to you, up to a maximum of five Octopus. You can also link a AAVS to an additional three Octopus for your family members or friends, providing they are at least 12 years old.
How to apply
Never run empty on your Octopus again! With just a few simple steps, you can sign up for the Automatic Add Value Service (AAVS)! After you have set up AAVS for your Octopus, whenever the remaining value is not sufficient, the AAVS reload will be triggered to top up your card to complete the transaction. Call application hotline 2266 2338 to sign up now!

Please see the participating financial institutions below. Select your preferred financial institution for application procedures and latest promotions.

Simply fill in your details on the form and submit it to your chosen financial institution, which will process your application.

The AAVS approval process normally takes around one week. Once approved, you will receive an activation notification. Click here to learn how to activate the service.
Participating financial institutions
Financial Institutions | Auto Reload Amount | The maximum no. of AAVS for yourself | The maximum no. of AAVS for Family / Friends (applications by mail only) | Enquiry Hotline | Application Methods |