How to pay via merchant's mobile phone or Octopus Mobile POS
At many Hong Kong merchants, you can now pay simply by tapping your Octopus card on their mobile phones or Octopus Mobile POS.
Here's how:

Step 1 Confirm the payment amount on the merchant's mobile screen or Mobile POS display.

Step 2 Place your Octopus card at the NFC detection area, either at the back of the merchant's mobile phone or on the Mobile POS screen.

Step 3 When you hear a "Dood" sound and a receipt is shown on the merchant's mobile screen or Mobile POS display, your payment transaction is completed.
Apart from tapping your Octopus card, you can also pay by scanning the merchant's Octopus QR Code with your Octopus App in just a few simple steps!

Step 1 Open the Octopus App and tap "Scan".

Step 2 Scan the QR Code on the merchant's mobile or Mobile POS.

Step 3 Input the payment amount and tap "Confirm" (skip this step for Mobile POS).

Step 4 Verify the transaction details and confirm by password or fingerprint.
Your Octopus App records your every payment. You can check the transaction records instantly and view the details in the Monthly Statement at a glance! Enjoy the new mobile payment experience with Octopus QR Code payment!