Proper Use of Octopus
Discover how to get the most use out of your Octopus, to better experience all the convenience it has to offer!

Useful tips
Learn the Do's and Don'ts of using and keeping your Octopus.

About incomplete transactions
An incomplete transaction may occur when an Octopus is removed too quickly from the Octopus reader, or when an Octopus is presented at the reader at the same time as another Octopus or contactless smart card.

What is Inactive Octopus?
On-Loan Adult Octopus issued on or after 1 October 2017, and has not had any add value or payment transaction for three years will become an Inactive Octopus.

What is Inactive Mobile Octopus?
Octopus on iPhone or Apple Watch, Huawei Pay Octopus or Smart Octopus in Samsung Pay which has not had any add value or payment transaction for three years will become an Inactive Mobile Octopus.